Songs, movement and instruments
Combining a mixture of song, movement and beautiful instruments including glockenspiel, xylophone, triangles and drums, the class is fun and engaging for children and grown ups alike.
The classes balance between being gentle enough for babies and energetic enough for toddlers.
By combining ages, each child learns by observing the other children and parents who are also modelling the activity.
Classes alternate between two different programs each week throughout the 6 month semester. Children love and learn from repetition. As they become familiar with the program, they eagerly anticipate the next song or activity. The security of the structure gives them the confidence to try new levels of achievement and to develop a love of learning.
Suzuki philosophy
Classes are based on the Suzuki philosophy which has at its core the knowledge that the youngest of children can learn the language and joy of music very naturally. This occurs in the same way that they learn to speak their mother tongue - by regular exposure, fun, enthusiastic encouragement and repetition.
Young children have great fun learning rhythm, beat keeping and listening (all essential skills should they wish to learn an instrument).
They also gain confidence to play by themselves in front of the group, the patience to wait and listen while someone else has their turn, the joy of singing and playing in a group, and a love of learning.
Children greatly enjoy the process of moving from a beginner to mastering skills. They start out creating a noise and then by watching, listening and repeating, very soon a real level of ability is achieved.
CD "Music for Little Ones"
There is also a beautiful CD which can be purchased for $25. This CD contains most of the songs we use in class. This tool helps your child learn the skills we teach in the classes. Children love to listen to their "special music" and playing this CD daily will greatly develop their ability.